Tuesday, June 9, 2009

About me.

Hi! My name name is Jalene Harding. I live in a beautiful town called Neola, Utah. I have a wonderful husband(most of the time) named Doug and 4 boys and a little girl. The boys are: Brayden (11), Garrett (9), Colten (7), and Chase 4. Our most of the time sweet little girl Mikaly is 1. I must be crazy for deciding to go back to school with all that we have going on at home but for the most part I sure am enjoying it.


  1. Hi Jalene,
    I must say that you definitly have more courage than I do. I waited till my kids were almost grown and out of the house before I tackled going back to school full time. I had a hard time trying to go part time with just 2 kids. Good luck to you. By the way, I'm in Vernal, not too far away.

  2. I understand how a little girl can take over a family. I have five older brothers and have been accused many times of always getting what I wanted.
